Project proposal

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Project proposals

During the course, student teams implement a software product, or add new features to an existing application. Team size is usually from 5 to 7 team members, including a project manager. Depending on the project, team can work up to 1000 hours for the project. It is required that client collaborates with the team during the project and participates at least in all important meetings (Project plan inspection, reviews, final meeting). Check also links to some earlier projects.

Schedule for project proposals (spring 2021 course)

  • 6.1.2021 Deadline for project proposals. Send the proposal (.pdf, docx, etc. popular formats are ok) to timo.poranen at
  • 15.1-18.1.2021 Project proposals are published in course’s Moodle forum (only students can see the proposals) and students apply for different projects. Project names are listed on proposed projects page.
  • 22.1.2021 Groups are formed. Course staff inform clients about selection (or rejection) of their projects. Notice that  there are usually more project proposals than student teams.
  • 22.1.2021 Projects start. Project manager contacts clients.

Check a list of proposed projects (see section “2021S Proposed projects”).

Guidelines for a project proposal

  • The project proposal should be a 1-4 pages document with the following information:
    • Project’s name.
    • Contact information of the client’s organisation.
    • General description of the project’s goals, wished functionalities / features and environment (www, mobile phone, desktop application).
  • The proposal can also include information on the following issues:
    • What resources (technical support, regular meetings, meeting place, software, development tools, etc.) client can give to the team.
    • Is there any kind of reward after a successful project?
    • Can project team be international and use English as working language?
    • Are there any restrictions with the rights of the end product? By default, students have full rights to everything they produce during the course, but it is possible to agree with the team that some (or all) rights belong to the client.
  • The project proposal can be written in English or in Finnish, but if the proposal is in Finnish, it restricts English speaking students to select the project.
  • Check from previous projects what kind of applications student teams have implemented earlier.