Final presentation gala day (Autumn 2024)
Final project presentations (autumn 2024 projects) are on Tuesday, 10.12.2024, 07.55 – 21.25.
Zoom link: (waiting room is in use)
- 07.55 – 08.00 Welcoming and urgent matters
- 08.00 G01 Laiterekisteri
- 08.20 G19 Lärpäke-for-Luuppi-Ry
- 08.40 G18 Ostolaskudatojen-yhdistäminen-ja-visualisointi
- 09.00 G03 Setta
- 09.20 G23 Embodied therapeutical gaming for children with ADHD 2
- 09.40 – 10.00 Break
- 10.00 G16 Scheduling-Software-VII-TASERA
- 10.20 G28 KendoApp II
- 10.40 G13 TUNI-Emergency-Game
- 11.00 G17 Superwider-Campaign-handling-platform
- 11.20 G24 KendoApp
- 11.40 – 12.00 Break
- 12.00 G11 Admin-Web-App
- 12.20 G20 What’s-inside-my-elevator?
- 12.40 G29 Visualisation of point cloud data
- 13.00 G14 Sanapolku
- 13.20 G27 MMT
- 13.40 – 14.00 Break
- 14.00 G21 Embodied therapeutical gaming for children with ADHD
- 14.20 G07 CV-Maker-Extension
- 14.40 G06 NaviNord
- 15.00 G02 GATICA
- 15.20 G15 Yrityksen/vähittäiskaupan-chatbot
- 15.40 – 16.00 Break
- 16.00 G05 APUOPE-RE
- 16.20 G09 TUNI-DigiSus
- 16.40 G12 Virkaluettelo
- 17.00 G04 Service for maintaining resident’s communication subscriptions
- 17.20 G08 EADA-Team
- 17.40 – 18.00 Break
- 18.00 G30 Snowledge
- 18.20 G10 Irtaimistorekisteri
- 18.40 G31 ESManager
- 19.00 G22 Puheterapia-harjoituksia-äänihäiriöihin
- 19.20 G26 Kitsain
- 19.40 – 20.00 Break
- 20.00 G32 APUOPE-RE-2
- 20.20 G25 CED-LLM
- 20.40 G34 Development of an Android app
- 21.00 G33 EduChat
- 21.20-21.25 Closing words
Mid project presentations (Autumn 2024)
Mid project presentations (Autumn 2024 projects) are on Tuesday, 29.10.2024 and 05.11.2024 (during two weeks; 44 and 45).
Zoom-link (lecture link) can be found from the Moodle.
Briefly, 10 minutes per project. Order is same as is on the current projects page:
- Practice using Zoom beforehand. Check university’s Zoom guidelines.
Each team has max 8 minutes for their presentation:
- Introduce your project topic and customer. Explain what you actually do in the project.
- Introduce who you are, main roles.
- Meetings, communication with the customer, communication with the group.
- Tools and technologies, methods and processes.
- Other management issues.
- Current project risks and avoidance.
- Show what you have developed so far, give a demo.
- Presentation language is English.
After the presentation, couple of minutes are used for questions and discussion. Chat is also used for the questions and comments.
Mid presentations on Tuesday 29.10.2024
- 14.15 – 14.20 Welcoming and urgent matters
- 14.20 G01
- 14.30 G02
- 14.40 G03
- 14.50 G04
- 15.00 G05
- 15.10 G06
- 15.20 G07
- 15.30 Break, 10 minutes.
- 15.40 G09
- 15.50 G10
- 16.00 G11
- 16.10 G12
- 16.20 G13
- 16.30 G14
- 16.40 G15
- 16.50 G16
- 17.00 G17
Mid presentations on Tuesday 05.11.2024
- 14.15 – 14.20 Welcoming and urgent matters
- 14.20 G18
- 14.30 G19
- 14.40 G20
- 14.50 G21
- 15.00 G22
- 15.10 G23
- 15.20 G24
- 15.30 G25
- 15.40 G26
- 15.50 G27
- 16.00 G28
- 16.10 G29
- 16.20 G30
- 16.30 G31
- 16.40 G32
- 16.50 G33
- 17.00 G34
- 17.10 G08
Old stuff … Final presentation gala day (Spring 2024)
- Final project presentations (spring 2024 projects) are on Monday, 6.5.2023, 07.55-20.05.
- Zoom link:
- 07.55 – 08.00 Welcoming and urgent matters
- 08.00 G04-Wingman
- 08.20 G20-KIKIs-homebox-3
- 08.40 G03-CarPass
- 09.00 G28-RWE-HXRC
- 09.20 G07-Snowledge
- 09.40 – 10.00 Break
- 10.00 G10-LLM-OY
- 10.20 G12-TASERA-Scheduling-Software-VI
- 10.40 G26-Liikuntamahdollisuudet-lähelläsi
- 11.00 G30-PRP
- 11.20 G16-KPTS:n-digitalisointi
- 11.40 – 12.00 Break
- 12.00 G22-Implementation of the Publish-Subscribe
- 12.20 G25-Sepeli
- 12.40 G15-Low-code-assistant-environment
- 13.00 G05-Duuler-Product-Management-Interface
- 13.20 G27-Electronic-Dictionary-Project-2024
- 13.40 – 14.00 Break
- 14.00 G21-Power-quality-monitoring-at-secondary-substation
- 14.20 G13-NaviNord
- 14.40 G18-PaMo
- 15.00 G09-Kikis-homebox-web-development
- 15.20 G23-Kitsain
- 15.40 – 16.00 Break
- 16.00 G17-Moduuler
- 16.20 G08-Innoduel
- 16.40 G02-BoGA
- 17.00 G06-Kendo-Tournament-App
- 17.20 G24-Lightweight-Multi-User-Spreadsheet
- 17.40 – 18.00 Break
- 18.00 G19-KIKIs-homebox-2
- 18.20 G11-Epidemic-model-of-COVID
- 18.40 G29-MMT
- 19.00 G14-Solibri’s-Autorun-Custom-View
- 19.20 G01-Ostolaskudatan-visualisointi
- 19.40 – 19.45 closing words.
OLD stuff …. Final presentation gala day (Autumn 2023)
Final project presentations (autumn 2023 projects) are on Tuesday, 12.12.2023, 09.15-17.25. Check from the Moodle how to reserve team’s presentatation time.
Zoom link:
- 09.15 – 09.20 Welcoming
- 09.20 – 09.40 G20 Snowledge
- 09.40 – 10.00 G10 Secondary-Substation-Monitoring
- 10.00 – 10.20 G01 Save-and-Share
- 10.20 – 10.40 G12 Client-Proto-Continuation
- 10.40 – 11.00 G02 The-Tapahtumakalenteri
- 11.00 – 11.20 G18 Karhu-Info-Screen
- Break 11.20 – 11.40
- 11.40 – 12.00 G07 Zeebe-Workflow-Monitor
- 12.00 – 12.20 G09 Intelligent-Energy-Optimization
- 12.20 – 12.40 G11 OEM-HMI-integration-concept-study
- 12.40 – 13.00 G21 Monad-Liidiloikuri
- 13.00 – 13.20 G17 Kendo-Koodikukkaro
- Break 13.20 – 13.40
- 13.40 – 14.00 G04 What-is-going-on-in-my-elevator
- 14.00 – 14.20 G05 What-is-going-on-in-my-elevator
- 14.20 – 14.40 G16 Karhuaja
- 14.40 – 15.00 G03 Turn-Up-Tampere
- 15.00 – 15.20 G08 Maltas-Data-Dashboard
- Break 15.20 – 15.40
- 15.40 – 16.00 G15 Zeebe-Workflow-Monitor-Softikset
- 16.00 – 16.20 G14 Liikuntamahdollisuudet-lähelläsi
- 16.20 – 16.40 G19 FiLos
- 16.40 – 17.00 G06 Järjestötietojärjestelmä
- 17.00 – 17.20 G13 Kiki’s-Home-Box
- 17.20 – 17.25 Closing