This page contains course guidelines to different project phases and tasks. Check also Moodle and lecture materials for more detailed information on schedule, meetings, activities etc.
Sprint review meeting
Typical Sprint review meeting contents (see also Scrum Guide), exact details and order is group’s choice
- persons present/absent (anybody having to leave early ?)
- welcome, urgent matters first
- kanban board (SB, one card/task at a time, demo may follow task here)
- demo (who has done what parts)
- customer (hopefully) accepts done work items
- MMT matters (weekly report, working hours, charts, risks)
- outcomes from the sprint retrospective (this can be a summary slide)
- customer’s comments and questions at any time
- coach’s comments
- questions to course (from any party).
Sprint retrospective
Sprint retrospective meeting matters (group’s internal meeting, a kind of “after action review”). Four basic questions that gets the team thinking about the outcomes of the previous Sprint, and what actions they should focus on next. Group writes down results, so those would not be forgotten.
- What went well ? (What we did well ?)
- What went less well ? (What did not went well ?)
- What do we want to try next ? (Improvements ?)
- What puzzles us ? (Any obstacles or problems in sight ?)
Now at PROJ course, as we use Scrum-BUT methodology, group keeps retrospective meeting themselves after the Sprint has actually ended (Sprints end on Friday). In practise with many groups such retro meeting may be before official course Sprint review meeting (with group, customer, and coach).
When you organise Sprint X review, show a summary of outcomes from Sprint X retrospective. Focus particularly on improving your team’s working practices and processes.
The main point is that group has the three Scrum meetings; Sprint planning meeting – Sprint review meeting – Sprint retrospective meeting.
Project poster
See the Moodle submission deadline from the schedule.
The project poster is an A4-size pdf-document. The poster must contain at least the following information: name of the project in the top of the poster, course details “COMP.SE.610 and 620, sprint 2025”, include at least one screenshot of your application, description of the project and team member names. The posters are not published in electronic form outside the course (only in course’s Moodle forum), but they can be used for educational purposes (for example, to show students what kind of projects have been in done in previous courses).
It is still recommended that the teams publish their posters in github etc. (see, for example Tomorrow-project, Poster.png). Check also from the Moodle (under Lecture slides / Sample project posters from previous courses) some example posters from previous courses.
If a team member does not want to publish his/her name in the poster, then you can leave that information out.