General issues
This schedule contains course deadlines for basic project documents and links to the corresponding templates. Lecture times are also mentioned in the schedule. Activities marked with SPM are for project managers (TIETS19 students). All other activities are group-related or personal for all course participants.
All projects define their own schedule (milestones, reviews and inspections, etc.) in the project plan, so most of the deadlines mentioned in this general schedule can be earlier in project’s own schedule.
All projects must have five meetings with the course staff (project plan inspection, three reviews, and a final meeting. Teams document in the project plan how they are going to manage requirements, do software design and implementation, and testing.
Schedule for 2021S projects
- Initial lecture (not compulsory if you have followed initial lecture earlier):
- in Finnish, Friday, 15.1.2021, 10.15-12, Zoom (check link from the Moodle)
- Lecture slides can be found from the Moodle.
- Earlier projects.
- Join course’s Moodle forum.
- info session in English for exchange students, Friday, 15.1.2021, 12.15-14, Zoom (check link from the Moodle).
- in Finnish, Friday, 15.1.2021, 10.15-12, Zoom (check link from the Moodle)
- Check proposed projects and fill a form (Moodle) on projects you like to participate (form closes 18.1, 23.59).
- Course staff tries to form groups by Thu 21.1 and inform managers and teams about their project.
- ALL: Start to maintain your personal working hours (a simple text-file with day, activity and hours is enough. Project manager gives guidelines). After your MMT project is created (25.-27.1.2021), hours can be logged directly to the Metrics Monitoring Tool. Wait instructions from Pekka Mäkiaho, Pekka creates MMT projects and gives more information on user accounts etc. All working hours so far can then be logged to the Metrics Monitoring Tool.
- Friday, 22.1.2021, Zoom.
- 10.15-11, Lecture (in Finnish, but material is in English).
- 11.00- 11.45 Meet your team.
- SPM: Check guidelines for first meeting with your team.
- Friday, 29.1.2021, Zoom, MMT info and Project plan workshop.
- 10.15-10.30 Introduction to MMT on how to log working hours & how to submit a weekly report.
- 10.30-11.45 Project plan workshop. More guidelines will be given later.
- SPM: Project managers plan and organise tool training.
- Check Git course in Plussa.
- Check also recommended tools -page.
- SPM: Send the first weekly report using Metrics Monitoring Tool on Sunday 31.1 or Monday 1.2.
- Start writing the project plan.
- Requirements gathering and analysis begins.
- Friday, 5.2.2021, 10.15-12, Zoom.
- Organise project plan inspection meeting latest on 12.2. Invite project supervisor and client, and other possible stakeholders.
- Organise the 1st review meeting, deadline 26.2.
- Follow your project’s schedule.
- Organise the 2nd review meeting, deadline 26.3
- Answer Personal report I questions in the Moodle (1.3-15.3).
- Organise the 3rd review meeting, deadline 23.4.
- In the end of April, programming work should be almost ready.
- Return the project poster before the presentation to the lecturer in .pdf-format.
- Final presentations are on Wed, 12.5.2021, 10-13, Zoom.
- Finish your project before Fri 14.5.2021. If your project has scheduling problems, contact the project supervisor.
- Return the final report and test report 48 hours before the final meeting.
- Reserve 60 minutes meeting time for the final meeting.
- Deliver project outcomes to the supervisor and client.
- Answer personal report II questions in the Moodle after your project.
- If you made a project video, send a link to the lecturer.
- If you published your project outcomes, send a link to the lecturer.
- After the project the course supervisor sends a feedback questionnaire to the clients.
- Answer university’s course feedback questions (you should get a notification email from the feedback system).
- Credits will be given about 2-3 weeks after the final meeting. If you need to get your credits earlier, send an email to the lecturer.
- Your project is behind schedule.
Schedule for 2020F projects
- Join course’s Moodle forum.
- Initial lecture for TIEA4 and TIETS19:
- in Finnish, Friday, 28.8.2020, 10.15-12, online. Link will be given in the Moodle.
- Lecture slides can be found from the Moodle.
- Sample projects.
- Info session in English for exchange students, Friday, 28.8.2020, 12.15-14, online. Link will be given in the Moodle.
- SPM: If you have followed initial lecture earlier, you can just browse the slides for minor changes in schedule and other requirements.
- in Finnish, Friday, 28.8.2020, 10.15-12, online. Link will be given in the Moodle.
- IMPORTANT: Check project proposals in the Moodle and fill a form (link can be found from the Moodle) on projects you like to participate (form opens 28.8 and closes 31.8).
- ALL: Start to maintain your personal working hours (a simple text-file with day, activity and hours is enough. Project manager gives guidelines). After 7.9 (?), hours can be logged directly to the Metrics Monitoring Tool.
- Course staff tries to form groups by Thu 3.9 and inform managers and teams about their project.
- Friday, 4.9.2020, 10.15-11, online, lecture (in Finnish, but material is in English).
- Lecture slides.
- Friday, 4.9.2020, 11.00-12, online
- SPM: Check guidelines for first meeting with your team.
- Meet your team online starting at 11.00.
- Friday, 11.9, 10.15-12, online
- Metrics Monitoring Tool
- Demos start at 10.15 and 11.00. Logging working hours, weekly report, charts.
- SPM: Project managers organise tool training.
- Git-course in Plussa (TIE-Git git-kurssi / git-course).
- Metrics Monitoring Tool.
- Check also recommended tools -page.
- Start writing the project plan.
- SPM: Inform Pekka by email on your project’s name and your MMT username. After this, Pekka creates your MMT project, and you can add rest of the team members to the MMT project. All working hours so far can then be logged to the MMT.
- SPM: If everything is ok with your team’s MMT account, you can send the first weekly report using Metrics Monitoring Tool on Sunday 13.9 or Monday 14.9.
- Requirements gathering and analysis begins.
- Friday, 18.9, 10-12, online
- SPM: Organise tool training for your team. Deadline is 25.9. How tool training was organised, will be discussed in the project plan inspection meeting.
- Organise project plan inspection meeting latest on 25.9. Plan and organise a virtual meeting, invite project supervisor and client, and other possible stakeholders.
- Organise the 1st review meeting, deadline 16.10.
- Answer Personal report I questions in the Moodle (15.10-31.10).
- Organise the 2nd review meeting, deadline 13.11.
- Organise the 3rd review meeting, deadline 11.12.
- In the end of December, programming work should be (almost) ready.
- Return the project poster before the presentation to the lecturer in .pdf-format.
- Final presentations are on 13.1.2021, 10-12, Pinni B1097.
- Finish your project before Fri 15.1.2021. If your project has scheduling problems, contact the project supervisor.
- Product delivery to the customers.
- Return the final report and test report 48 hours before the final meeting.
- Reserve 60 minutes meeting time for the final meeting.
- Give the project CD to the supervisor and client. Instead of project CD, it is ok to deliver a repository (github, etc.) or a zip-file that includes all project material.
- Answer personal report II questions in the Moodle after your project.
- If you made a project video, send a link to the lecturer.
- If you published your project outcomes, send a link to the lecturer.
- After the project the course supervisor sends a feedback questionnaire to the clients.
- Answer university’s course feedback questions (you should get a notification email from the feedback system).
- Credits will be given about 2-3 weeks after the final meeting. If you need to get your credits earlier, send an email to the lecturer.
- Your project is behind schedule.