Vastuuopettaja: J. Tuomas Harviainen
Opintojakso suoritetaan joko 1) kirjatenttinä tai 2) esseenä.
1. Kirjatentti
- Case, Looking for information. A survey of research on information needs, seeking and behavior. 3rd revised ed. Bingley, UK: Emerald, 2012.
- Pauleen & Gorman (Eds), Personal knowledge management. Individual, organizational and social perspectives. Farnham, UK: Gower, 2011.
- Savolainen, Everyday information practices. Lanham, The Scarecrow Press, 2008.
Kirjallinen tentti on suoritettavissa sähköisen tenttipalvelun kautta. Huom! Kirjallisessa tentissä suoritetaan ainoastaan tenttikirjat (Case, Pauleen & Gorman, ja Savolainen), ei artikkelilukulistalla lueteltuja artikkeleita!
2. Essee
Esseesuorituksia voi palauttaa tarkastettavaksi koko lukuvuoden ajan. Esseeohjeet saa vastuuopettajalta.
Esseevaihtoehdossa laaditaan referaatti teoksista:
- Case, Looking for information. A survey of research on information needs, seeking and behavior. 3rd revised ed. Bingley, UK: Emerald, 2012.
- Pauleen & Gorman (Eds), Personal knowledge management. Individual, organizational and social perspectives. Farnham, UK: Gower, 2011.
- Savolainen, Everyday information practices. Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press, 2008.
Lisäksi laaditaan referaatti kolmesta (3) vapavalintaisesta artikkelista alla olevalta lukulistalta. Artikkelit kannattaa valita siten että ne tukevat muita kursseja, erityisesti pro gradu –tutkielman tekemistä.
Artikkelit ovat luettavissa ja kopioitavissa open access -lehdistä (esim. Information Research) tai yliopiston kirjaston hankkimista ”lisensoiduista” e-lehdistä.
- Asla, Terryl M. & Williamson, Kirsty (2015). Unexplored territory: information behaviour in the fourth age. Information Research 20(1).
- Baxter, Graeme & Marcella, Rita (2014). The 2014 Scottish independence referendum: a study of voters’ online information behaviour. Information Research 19(4).
- Byström, Katriina & Hansen, Preben (2005). Conceptual framework for tasks in information studies. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 56(10), 1050-1061.
- Connaway, Lynn Silipigni, Dickey, Timothy J. & Radford, Marie L. (2011). “If it is too inconvenient, I´m not going after it”. Convenience as a critical factor in information-seeking behaviors. Library & Information Science Research 33(3), 179-190.
- Cox, Andrew M. (2012). An exploration of the practice approach and its place in information science. Journal of Information Science 38(2), 176-188.
- Diekema, Anne R. & Olsen, M. Whitney (2014). Teacher personal information management (PIM): finding, keeping and refinding information pages. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 65(11), 2261-2277.
- Du, Jia Tina (2014). The information journey of marketing professionals: incorporating work task-driven information seeking, information judgments, information use and information sharing. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 65(9), 1850-1869.
- Ferran-Ferrer, Nuria, Minguillon, Julia & Perez-Montoro, Mario (2013). Key factors in transfer of information-related competencies between academic, workplace, and daily contexts. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 64(6), 1112-1121.
- Fidel, Raya & Green, Maurice (2004). The many faces of accessibility: engineers´ perception of information sources. Information Processing & Management 40(3), 563-581.
- Harviainen, J. Tuomas & Savolainen, Reijo (2014). Information as capability for action and capital in synthetic worlds. Information Research 19(4)
- Hasler, Laura, Ruthven, Ian & Buchanan, Steven (2014). Using Internet groups in situations of information poverty: topics and information needs. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 65(1), 25-36.
- Heinström, Jannica (2005). Fast surfing, broad scanning and deep diving. The influence of personality and study approach on students´ information-seeking behavior. Journal of Documentation 61(2), 228-247.
- Hemmig, William S.(2009). An empirical study of the information-seeking behavior of practicing visual artists.Journal of Documentation 65(4), 682-703.
- Hepworth, Mark, Grunewald, Philipp & Walton, Geoff (2014). Research and practice. A critical reflection on approaches that underpin research into people´s information behaviour. Journal of Documentation 70(6), 1039-1053.
- Lim, Sook (2009). How and why do college students use Wikipedia? Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 60(11), 2189-2202.
- Lingel, Jessica (2015). Information practices of urban newcomers: an analysis of habits and wandering. Journal of the Association of Information Science and Technology 66(6), 1239-1251.
- Lopatovska, Irene & Smiley, Bobby (2014). Proposed model of information behaviour in crisis: the case of Hurricane Sandy. Information Research 19(1).
- Manheim, Lilach (2014). Information non-seeking behaviour. Information Research 19(4).
- Mishra, Jyoti, Allen, David & Pearman, Alan (2015). Information seeking, use and decision making. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 66(4), 662-673.
- Niemelä, Raimo, Huotari, Maija-Leena & Kortelainen, Terttu (2012). Enactment and use of information and media among older adults. Library & Information Science Research 34(3), 212-219.
- Pilerot, Ola (2012). LIS research on information sharing activities – people, places, or information. Journal of Documentation 68(4), 559-581.
- Rhee, Hea Lim (2012). Modelling historians’ information-seeking behaviour with an interdisciplinary and comparative approach. Information Research 17(4).
- Saastamoinen, Miamaria & Kumpulainen, Sanna (2014). Expected and materialised information source use by municipal officials: intertwining with task complexity. Information Research 19(4).
- Sairanen, Anu & Savolainen, Reijo (2010). Avoiding health information in the context of uncertainty management. Information Research 15(4).
- Savolainen, Reijo (2015). Providing informational support in an online discussion group and a Q&A site: the case of travel planning. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 66(3), 450-461.
- Shah, Chirag (2014). Collaborative information seeking. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 65(2), 215-236.
- Sin, Sei-Ching Joanna & Kim, Kyung-Sun (2013). International students´ everyday life information seeking: the informational value of social networking sites. Library & Information Science Research 35(2), 107-116.
- Skov, Mette (2013). Hobby-related information-seeking behaviour of highly dedicated online museum visitors.Information Research 18(4).
- Sormunen, Eero, Tanni, Mikko, Alamettälä, Tuulikki & Heinström, Jannica (2014). Students´ group work in source-based writing assignments. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 65(6), 1217-1231.
- Swigon, Marzena (2013). Personal knowledge and information management – conception and exemplification. Journal of Information Science 39(6), 832-845.
- Talja, Sanna & Nyce, James M. (2015). The problem with problematic situations: differences between practices, tasks, and situations as units of analysis. Library & Information Science Research 37(1), 61-67.
- Widén, Gunilla, Steinerová, Jela & Voisey, Peter (2015). Conceptual modelling of workplace information practices: a literature review. Information Research 19(4).
- Wilson, T.D. (2010). Information sharing: an exploration of the literature and some propositions. Information Research 15(4).
- Yu, Liangzhi (2010). How poor informationally are information poor? Evidence from an empirical study of daily and regular information practices of individuals. Journal of Documentation 66(6), 906-933.