Assignment 3

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Students presentations on Thursday, Feb 21, Pinni B0016, 14.00-16.00, and Friday, Feb 22, Pinni B0016, 14.00-16.00.

For the third assignment, we will work in 4 groups.

Next, you can find the reading material for this assignment (please read carefully):

[Paper 1] Parallel Progressive Approach to Entity Resolution Using MapReduce
[Paper 2] Matching Web Tables with Knowledge Base Entities: From Entity Lookups to Entity Embeddings
[Paper 3] Entity Matching on Web Tables: a Table Embeddings Approach for Blocking

The presenters (P) of each group will prepare an around 25 minutes presentation that answers the questions associated with the sub-assignment of the group. Presenters will work independently to each other, and each presenter will prepare his/her own presentation.
After this presentation, the reviewers of the corresponding group (R) will explain their own point of view regarding the sub-assignment, e.g., they can add more details and explanations to the presented material, explain if they understood some concepts of the original paper in a different way, or even provide their vision for alternative ideas or solutions. Answers of the form “I do not have actually something to add”, are not well accepted. At least, you can propose your own preliminary solution for the problem we discuss.

Sub-assignment 1: Group 1 will focus mainly on [Paper 1]. Specifically, the focus here will be on the main approach proposed (Section 3). Please include also in your presentation the needed preliminaries (Section 2).

Sub-assignment 2: Group 2 will focus mainly on [Paper 1]. Specifically, the focus here will be on the proposed progressive schedule (Section 4).

Sub-assignment 3: Group 3 will focus mainly on [Paper 2]. Specifically, the focus here will be on the lookup-based method, the semantic embeddings method and the ontology matching method (Section 3).

Sub-assignment 4: Group 4 will focus mainly on [Paper 3]. Specifically, the focus here is on how embeddings can be used for blocking (Section 3) and on the experimental evaluation of the approach (Section 4).

Students presentations on Thursday, Feb 21, Pinni B0016, 14.00-16.00, and Friday, Feb 22, Pinni B0016, 14.00-16.00.

Please send your presentations at before 10.00am, Thursday, February 21.

Groups and group members are as follows (P stands for a presenter, R stands for a reviewer):

Group 1
P – Bagale Krishna
P – Jimi Laakso
P – Thi Nguyen
R – Lea Kahkonen
R – Jakub Hruska
R – Gong Jin

Group 2
P – Lea Kahkonen
P – Guo Bujia
P – Gong Jin
R – Bagale Krishna
R – Maria Stratigi

Group 3
P – Nayan Subba
P – Samuli Lumirae
P – Maria Stratigi
R – Heidi Mikkola
R – Guo Bujia
R – Jimi Laakso

Group 4
P – Heidi Mikkola
P – Jakub Hruska
R – Nayan Subba
R – Samuli Lumirae
R – Thi Nguyen

Each student will work independently of the others. Please send an email at if you cannot find your name in the above assignment to groups.