Kuvanprosessointi (TIETS05)


Image Processing is a computer science and CBDA course possible to take also in English via independent studying by using a textbook.

Sisältö / Contents

Image processing methods are presented, e.g., image restoration, filtering, compression and segmentation.

Luennot / Lectures (in Finnish)

Maanantaina 11.3. klo 10-12 sali B4113

Tiistaisin 5.3., 12.3., 26.3.-9.4. klo 10-12 sali B4113

Keskiviikkona 6.3.2019 klo 10-12 Pinni A Paavo Koli -sali

Keskiviikkoina 13.3. ja 27.3. klo 10-12 sali Päätalo C6

Keskiviikkoina 3.4. ja 10.4. klo 10-12 sali B3107

Torstaina 7.3.2019 klo 10-12 sali Päätalo C8

Huom! Ei luentoa 19.3. eikä 20.3.2019

Viikoharjoitukset / Weekly assignments (in Finnish)

Torstai klo 8-10 14.3.-11.4. Pinni A3111


Proseduuri / Procedure

  • Tietojenkäsittelyopin ja CBDA:n syventävät opinnot. / Advanced study course, 5 ECTS
  • 12 luentoa (24 h), Martti Juhola
  • 5 viikkoharjoitusta / weekly exercises (10 h), Jyrki Rasku
  • Additional scores: when one makes more of all weekly exercises than 30%, additional scores [0,5] are given as follows: ≥30% 0, ≥41% 1, ≥52% 2, ≥63% 3, ≥74% 4, ≥85% 5
  • Kurssin suorittaminen / To pass the course: (1) at least 30% of weekly exercises have to be made and (2) the examination with scores of 12 or more from [0,30]

Kurssimaterliaali / Material


Viikkoharjoitustehtävät / Weekly assignments tasks:




3.5. klo 10-14 ja 23.5. klo 16-20 D10a+b (Remember to enroll yourself!)

Huom! / Notes!

(1) Remember to enroll yourself to the course (once opened) via NettiOpsu.

(2) Matlab is needed for weekly assignments. To load Matlab you first need an activation code and obtaining this may take time. (You also need a UTA student account.) To be done via the following link:


(3) Also Python can or is used.