This webpage serves as a homepage of both the MTTTS11 Master’s Seminar and Thesis course of the Computational Big Data Analytics Master’s Programme (CBDA) and the COMPDATA.810 Master’s Thesis Seminar, Data Science & Statistical Data Analytics course of the Data Science and Statistical Data Analytics tracks of the Computing Sciences Master’s Programme (DS and SDA).
Course Contents
Available in the Student’s guide page for the course.
Teaching Schedule
Please see the Student’s guide page for the course for the Academic Year 2020–2021 (choose the “Completion Options” tab and expand the various components).
Please note:
- you can enroll in the course at any time by contacting the lecturer.
- You do NOT need to start in the autumn semester, you can also start in the spring.
- Starting in the beginning of a semester (autumn or spring) is recommended but you can also join the seminar later if need be.
List of meetings in spring 2021: most meetings are Tuesdays 12:15-14 in Zoom.
Due to the coronavirus situation, meetings for the time being will not have contact teaching and will be arranged using the Zoom software; more information below. Zoom meeting invitations are sent by email to registered students before each meeting. Lecturer: professor Jaakko Peltonen.
- Tuesday January 12, 12:15-14 in Zoom
- Tuesday January 19, 12:15-14 in Zoom
- Tuesday February 2, 12:15-14 in Zoom
- Tuesday February 16, 12:15-14 in Zoom
- Tuesday March 2, 12:15-14 in Zoom
- Tuesday March 9, 12:15-14 in Zoom
- Tuesday March 16, 12:15-14 in Zoom
- Tuesday March 30, 12:15-14 in Zoom
- Tuesday April 13, 12:15-14 in Zoom
- Tuesday April 27, 10:15-12 in Zoom (note the different time!)
- Tuesday May 11, 12:15-14 in Zoom
- Tuesday May 25, 12:15-14 in Zoom
(optional due to the week inbetween periods)
List of meetings in summer 2021: all summer meetings are optional. Most meetings are Tuesdays 12:15-14 in Zoom.
- Tuesday June 15 at 12-14
- Tuesday June 29 at 14-16 (RESCHEDULED to the 14-16 time due to sudden overlap)
- Tuesday July 6 at 12-14
- Tuesday July 20 at 12-14
- Tuesday August 10 at 12-14
- Tuesday August 24 at 12-14
Information about Remote Lectures.
Due to the coronavirus situation, meetings in Spring 2021 will not have contact teaching until otherwise indicated. Instead, the meetings will be arranged using the Zoom software. For each meeting, a link to the meeting will be sent before the meeting – if you have not received a Zoom link to the meeting, contact the lecturer.
To participate in a Zoom meeting, please make sure that:
- You have a laptop/desktop with a working microphone (you need a mic, even if you just want to listen in)
- You have installed either the Zoom software, or the Chrome browser. Firefox and Microsoft Edge do not work.
To install the Zoom software, and to learn how to use it, please see the handbook on the university intranet (you need to login with your university account to see the page).
To join the meeting, you will receive a link by email. Simply open the link. Your browser should ask to open in the Zoom application; do that, or if you do not have the Zoom application installed, choose “join with browser” instead (you have to use Chrome as your browser in that case).
During the meeting, I recommend to keep your microphone muted (you can do that from the Zoom interface) when you are not talking, otherwise background noise is heard by everyone.
The Zoom software makes it possible to share your laptop screen, so you can show slides etc.
Jaakko Peltonen, Jaakko.Peltonen[at]
Information and Resources
Exercise essay
It is no longer required to write an exercise essay (harjoitusaine) before submitting the final Master’s thesis. However, it is still a good idea to write up a part of the thesis sufficiently in advance, so that supervisors can examine and guide thesis writing early on.
Maturity test
- All students are required to do a maturity test (in Finnish: kypsyysnäyte) in connection with their Master’s thesis. In the maturity test, students demonstrate familiarity with the field of the thesis and scientific and professional maturity needed in expert positions in their field of study.
- Master’s degree students write an abstract for their thesis, which serves as the maturity test.
- The maturity test language is determined by the language of the student’s school education: Finnish, Swedish, or other.
- Demonstration of Finnish/Swedish proficiency
If the school education was in in Finnish/Swedish in Finland, the student must demonstrate proficiency in Finnish/Swedish through the test (maturity essay), unless they already did a maturity essay in a lower university degree in same language.
Until 31.7.2021: the proficiency is regardless done by the abstract; if the thesis language is not the language (Finnish/Swedish) above, the abstract must be written in that language too.
For many students, completing the master’s thesis is one of the last steps to graduating and receiving the master’s degree. Near the time the thesis is getting ready, the student should also finalize other administrative details for graduation. Please see the student’s handbook pages about graduating, and make sure you complete all the steps. Contact your thesis supervisor, your study guidance person, and teaching administration staff of the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, well in time in case you are uncertain about any of the details or about whether you have completed everything you need to.
- Administrative information: Intranet page about master’s theses and Student’s handbook page about master’s theses (both pages currently seem to contain the same information).
Read both the general information and the ITC faculty details. - Administrative information: Supervision agreement form for a master’s thesis.
Near the start of your thesis process, when you have gotten in contact with a thesis supervisor, you and your thesis supervisor should fill and sign this. - Administrative information: grading principles. There used to be specific grading principles for a CBDA programme master’s thesis, but these are currently unavailable. For the moment, you can consider
- the grading principles of computer science master’s theses and
- the grading principles of mathematics and statistics master’s theses (Finnish language version).
Be aware of these principles, so that you know what aspects of the thesis process will affect your thesis grade.
- Administrative information: Your thesis examiners (often your thesis supervisor and another person) will create a statement about your thesis. There used to be a specific statement form for a CBDA programme master’s thesis, but this is currently unavailable. For the moment, you can consider
- the statement form for a computer science master’s thesis (Finnish-language version),
- the statement form for a HTI/SDE programme master’s thesis (English-language; corresponds to the previous form except for the programme name), and
- the statement form for a mathematics and statistics master’s thesis (Finnish-language version)
Be aware of what the statement will look like, so that you know which aspects of the thesis process will be graded and discussed in the statement.
- Writing resources: ISI glossary of statistical terms
- Writing resources: Tampere University master’s thesis LaTeX style (updated 2020)
- Software for writing in LaTeX: MiKTeX (Windows), MacTeX (OS X)
- Guide for the LaTeX language: Wikibooks LaTeX
Old Resources (old information on previous websites)
- Administrative information: General thesis instructions of University of Tampere in English, General thesis instructions of University of Tampere in Finnish
- Administrative information: General degree regulations of the Faculty of Natural Sciences in English, General degree regulations of the Faculty of Natural Sciences in Finnish
- Writing resources: Language Centre Finnish language resources
- Library instructions for submitting the final thesis: instructions in Finnish, instructions in English
- Previous theses: UTA database of Master’s and Licentiate theses
Older/obsolete resources (do not rely on these):
- Administrative information: general thesis guideline of University of Tampere in English
- Administrative information: Supervision agreement form for a CBDA master’s thesis
- Administrative information: Grading principles for a CBDA programme master’s thesis
- Administrative information: general regulations of the assessment of studies of University of Tampere, not specific to master’s theses
- Administrative information: (old) general degree regulations of the School of Information Sciences in English.
The former schools of University of Tampere have now been replaced by faculties; this link is provided for students who are studying according to the old regulations.