ITIS41 Multidisciplinary Games and Internet Research 5 ECTS
Time & place, Lectures Wed weekly at 9-11:
Teacher: Frans MÄYRÄ & Olli SOTAMAA
Starts: XXX
Enrolment to course: see the curricula page.
This course will introduce the multidisciplinary character of games and Internet research. The aim is to construct a holistic picture about the multidimensionality of this research area, and guide to detect connections between the games and Internet related research that is carried out in different disciplinary traditions.
The course will involve students searching information from the publications and databases of multiple different fields and disciplines that deal with games and Internet research.
The learning goals will involve learning to critically compare and create synthesis from studies that belong to several different theoretical and terminological traditions.
The students of this course will also learn to deal with interdisciplinary dialogue and to work in multidisciplinary research teams.
More: link to the Learning2 Moodle environment (for registered students; TBA).