General description
This study module examines games, play and internet as parts of society and culture. Characteristics and meanings of games and internet are studied in multiple contexts, e.g. work, economy, civil society, politics and societal movements. Also cultural meanings, everyday practices, norms, values, and art in relation to games and internet will be addressed.
Link to Curricula Guide:
NOTE! Book exam is available until 21.7.2019 (see below)
6-Mar-2019 – 8-May-2019
Wednesdays 12-16
Lectures 2019
6.3. Introduction, Pinni B3117/B3118 (Mandatory attendance). Reading assignment before next week’s lecture.
13.3. Lecture and group work, Pinni B0016
20.3. Lecture and group work, Pinni B0016
27.3. Lecture and group work, Pinni B0016
3.4. Lecture and group work, Pinni B 3107
10.4. Seminar 1., Pinni B 3107
17.4. Easter break, no meeting
24.4. Seminar 2., Pinni B 3107
1.5. Wappu, no meeting
8.5. Final conference, Pinni B 3107 (or Oasis, if available)
Course requirements
NOTE! There is mandatory attendance on the first lecture, group’s article presentation, seminar, and conference.
Students do most of the work in pre-assigned groups. Grading is based on group work.
- Reading assignment after introduction lecture (texts in Moodle)
- Attendance on lectures
- Mandatory attendance on the first lecture, own group’s paper presentation, seminar and conference
- Weekly duties (in groups)
- Reading and presenting a reading assignment
- Preparing notes of every lecture for the group’s weekly editor
- Editor work in a given week (individual or in pairs), editing and submitting an A4 of text to the Moodle (before the next weeks lecture)
- Creating an essay in group
- Presenting the preliminary essay
- Commenting another group’s essay
- Writing a full essay
- Presenting the essay in a public conference
- Mandatory peer evaluation after the course
Weekly duties
- In a group, everyone writes a few lines of notes on the lecture’s and article presentation’s topics
- Think how the lecture’s topic(s) relate(s) to the topic of your final essay
- Every week, someone of the group works as an editor, who prepares one A4 of text based on other group members’ (and your own) notes
- Emphasis should be on how lecture relates to the topic of your final essay
- How can you utilize the content of the lecture and presented articles to analyze your topic?
- What should have been mentioned in more detail in the lecture to help you to write the final essay?
- The editor submits the edited text in the Moodle (plain text, no attachments!)
- Everybody of the group has to work as an editor
- Editor work influences the grade (group and individual)
- Emphasis should be on how lecture relates to the topic of your final essay
Reading and Presenting Assignments
- On each lecture (starting from the 3rd lecture), 1-3 groups of students will read and present an article (or some other scientific publication) selected by the lecturer
- 1-3 article presentations in every lecture
- The article is presented using a powerpoint template (in Moodle)
Group Work
- Each student will work in a group of 5-7 students, divided by the lecturers
- Each group produces a final essay
- Approximately 8-10 pages, single spaced
- A work version of the essay group work is presented at the seminar (and opposed and commented by another group)
- Two seminars: 10.4. and 24.4.
- At this stage there needs to be at least 3 pages of the essay written, with a few properly noted references, available for the opponents to read on the preceding Sunday before the seminar (7.4. or 21.4)
- Based on feedback the group will produce a final essay, the deadline is 6.5.
- The full essay is presented in final conference on 8.5.
- If an essay is turned in late, the final grade of all involved will fall by one (Second deadline 13.5.)
- NOTE! After 13.5. late essays will not be accepted and all involved will fail the course
- The essay topic can be anything relating to internet, games or play, but the topic must be considered from cultural and societal standpoints
Course materials will be in Moodle
Book exam option
NOTE! Book exam is available until 21.7.2019
Instead of lecture course, it is also possible to opt for a book exam. In that case go to:
This is the literature:
– Vincent Miller (2011): Understanding Digital Culture.
– Nick Dyer-Witheford & Greig de Peuter (2009): Games of Empire: Global Capitalism and Video Games.
-Raento, Pauliina (ed.) (2014): Gambling in Finland.