Registration is open until 1st of January. Enrollment. Late registrations will not be considered. A maximum of 60 students will be accepted to the course.
The official course description in the 2019-2020 Curricula Guide.
The course is taught in English.
The course consists of a series of lectures and discussions about nonverbal communication, psychological, neural and biological basis of communication and emotions, interconnections between emotions, cognition, motivation, and human–computer interaction.
Eligibility criteria
The course belongs to advanced level studies. This means that master level students are eligible because advanced level courses require students to master quite a bit of earlier studies in order to pass this course. The course is accepted also as a part of doctoral studies.
Learning outcomes
After this course the participant is expected:
- To understand and be able to explain central factors of human intra- and inter-individual behavior.
- Be able to evaluate the meaning of social and emotion-related processes in all human behavior, including cognition, motivation, intra- and inter-individual functioning as well as all this in human-technology context.
- Be able to describe central concepts of social and affective processes.
- To realize how these factors could and should be used to develop human-technology/computer interaction.
- To know thematic literature and evaluate it critically.
- To understand the requirements for acquiring theoretical and empirical knowledge, and for developing good quality research setups when working in this thematic area of human-technology interaction.
Teaching and learning methods
The course will consist of lectures, discussions, videos, and demonstrations, plus learning the literature.
In order to pass the course you need to:
- Study the course materials.
- Actively participate in discussions
- Pass literature examination.
- NOTE! Participation to the first lecture is mandatory (in case of sick leave, contact the teacher)
Grading (1-5) centrally depends on the literature examination.
NOTE: Reserve enough time for studies
1 credit = work for 26.7 hours
5 credits = work for 133.5 hours
Lectures: Wed 8-Jan-2020 – 5-Feb-2020 weekly at 9-12, TAU Pinni B4113.
Examination dates: Two examinations. Dates agreed during the first lecture. First possiblity at 12th of February. Second at ???? of February both at 9-11 o’clock. Places to be announced.
Supporting Materials
Literature material for the examination to be found from Moodle (learning2).